Clinical & Experimental Nephrology Journal (CENJ) is an open access double blind peer reviewed e-journal, with a strong Editorial Board and a tested rapid peer review system.
This journal aims to publish innovative scientific content as research papers, case reports, review articles, short communications, commentaries to name a few. Researchers in academic and clinical settings as well as health professionals are encouraged to publish their theoretical and experimental results in this journal, which aims to integrate expertise from the molecular and translational sciences, therapeutics, and diagnostics in different medical specialties. Any papers suspected of plagiarism, falsification and inauthentic authorship will never be published.
The journal deals with all branches of Kidneys: Physiology & Functions, Pediatric Nephrology, Kidney Diseases or Nephropathy, Diagnosis, Treatment & Medical Procedures, Pathophysiology of Renal Diseases, Renal Biology, Diabetic Nephropathy, Renal Transplantation, kidney and Bladder Stones, Cancers of the Kidney, Dialysis, Mineral Metabolism, Cystic Diseases of the Kidney, Management of Acute and Chronic Kidney Diseases, Vascular/Glomerular Disorders, Fluid and Electrolyte Disorders, etc.Although several important topics are mentioned, yet the journal will not be limiting the consideration for publication, other allied topics will be considered if found suitable under the wide scope of the journal.
CENJ is pleased to offer free access to online publishing. We are committed to promote academic exchanges and progress. Publishing with CENJ will provide high visibility of your research work and make you know the latest academic trends.
The journal adheres to stringent review process and manuscripts must get the approval of at least two independent reviewers followed by the editor to be considered for the publication.
Submit manuscript at [email protected] or [email protected]