Our Editors

Annals of Food and Nutrition Research

Annals of Food and Nutrition Research (AFNR)is a scientific journal which covers high quality of manuscripts which are both relevant and applicable to the broad field of applied life sciences.Journal renders novel, clear connection to nutritional requirements by the perceived palatability of foods and their applications in highly interdisciplinary applied sciences. Journal aims to reflect contemporary thinking so that professionals can keep pace with the developments in the field of nutrition and food sciences.

Subjects covered by the Food and Nutrition open access journal are Gastronomy and food science, Plant and environmental microbiology, Animal and plant biotechnology and physiology, Plant and animal genetics, Novel ingredients and nutrigenomics, Global tendencies in food, Market Analysis of Food Testing, Food allergen/contaminants/pathogens detection, Food irradiation, genetically modified food, sustainable food production, Emerging technologies in food processing and preservation, Evaluation and processing in food science and environmental sciences, Dietary Surveys and Nutritional Epidemiology, Metabolic Syndrome and Malnutrition, Vitamin & mineral nutrition- Current research, Food Preservation and Quality Control, Migration/scalping and food safety, Public Health Nutrition programmes, Nutrigenetics and nutrigenomics, Food Regulatory Affairs,Consumer Attitudes towards Nutraceuticals, Sport Nutrition and health sciences, Nutrition in developing countries, Nutritional effects of food composition and processing, Animal and in vitro models with clear relevance for human nutrition, etc.

Submit manuscript at Link or send as an e-mail attachment to the Editorial Office at [email protected]