Prof. Dr. Sefa Bulut completed his undergraduate degree form Ankara University, department of psychology. He received his master degree from Oklahoma State University, School of Applied Behavioral Studies and got his Ph.D. from Oklahoma University, School of Applied Health and Educational Psychology in 2003. He has worked as a faculty member in AbantIzzetBaysalUniversity. His research interest focus on PTSD, ADHD, Bullying, Mobbing, Gerontology, Child Sexual Abuse and Neglect, Bibliothraphy and Life History Research. Dr. Bulut is currently working in İbn Haldun University, in Istanbul
His research interest includes Children and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder; Posttraumatic Growth; Sexual Abuse; ADHD; School Violence; Bullying and Mobbing; Cooperative Learning and Cross Cultural Psychology; Ageing, Gerontology.