Maasoume Abdollahi received a Ph.D. in Anatomical sciences from Tarbiat Modares University and is currently teaching Anatomical Sciences at the university. She involves her students in establishing mouse models of human disease. Her professional interests focus on cryopreservation of ovarian tissue, infertility, herbal extract, and her current projects include the effect of some herbal extract on infertility and PCOS syndrome. In addition, she serves as Assistant professor for medical sciences university and she has more than 6 years teaching experiences for medicine, paramedicine, nursing and dentist students also is a member of several scientific journals and congress such as Cell Journal (Yakhteh), Biopreservation and Biobanking Journal, Qom University of Medical Sciences Journal, Annals of Military and Health Sciences Research, 4th ICMM Pan-Asia Pacific Congress On Military Medicine, The 16th National and 6th International Research Congress of Iranian Medical Sciences. Also she is a member in scientific societies, Iranian Scientific Association of Embryology and Reproductive Biology, Iranian Society of Anatomical Sciences and etc. She was recently honored with the nominated Professor of Qom University of Medical Sciences for her contributions to teaching medicine students.
Maasoume Abdollahi research interest includes Cryopreservation techniques; Apoptosis analysis; Herbal extract evaluation; Cell culture and tissue fragment culture.